Participating Organizations

This list of Participating Organizations contains participants in the FDP Expanded Clearinghouse initiative. All FDP member organizations are included.

Please click on a Participating Organization's name to view their Profile. Once a Profile is opened you can tab through 6 sections of information on the Profile. You may also print an organization's Profile once you have selected the Profile by clicking the Print button in the top right corner of the Profile.

If you represent a non-member organization which is not represented in the clearinghouse and you would like to add a profile for your organization, please refer to Joining the Expanded Clearinghouse

Show organizations
Organization (Common) Name
Primary DUNS
Primary Contact
FDP Member
Last Published On
Kansas State University 929773554 CFMMM5JM7HJ9 Mollie Robbins-Wint Yes 08-13-2024
West Virginia University 929332658 MNL4D3VQUWA5 Sandra Garcia Yes 08-02-2024
University of Mississippi Medical Center 928824473 X59NJBFL8BJ3 Julie Schwindt No 08-22-2024
Morgan State University 879941318 KULSKCCZJT27 Edet Isuk Yes 02-07-2025
University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center 878648294 GY8NMUZQXVS7 Tamara Franklin Yes 12-13-2024
Tennessee Technological University 878648153 KZNHNMDUTJA5 Mark Lynam Yes 09-12-2024
Salem State University 878043561 P2EJM45BLZN6 Megan Williams Yes 08-09-2024
Cornell University 872612445 G56PUALJ3KT5 Jamie Sprague Yes 01-08-2025
University of New Mexico 868853094 F6XLTRUQJEN4 Erin Fitzgerald Yes 12-12-2024
Texas A&M University - Kingsville (TAMUK) 868154089 SQ6VAWQ7YSZ4 Diana Luna No 07-10-2024
University of Oklahoma 848348348 EVTSTTLCEWS5 Sogol Rasouli Yes 07-11-2024
Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station (TEES) 847205572 QD1MX6N5YTN4 Vicki Marvin Yes 03-13-2024
Georgia State University 837322494 MNS7B9CVKDN7 Comfort Reeves-Brownell Yes 12-03-2024
FGCU 834477051 ENCFSMNC3PT1 Donna Gilmore No 08-14-2024
The Ohio State University 832127323 DLWBSLWAJWR1 Kari Uhl Yes 01-15-2025

Showing 16 to 30 of 373