Participating Organizations

This list of Participating Organizations contains participants in the FDP Expanded Clearinghouse initiative. All FDP member organizations are included.

Please click on a Participating Organization's name to view their Profile. Once a Profile is opened you can tab through 6 sections of information on the Profile. You may also print an organization's Profile once you have selected the Profile by clicking the Print button in the top right corner of the Profile.

If you represent a non-member organization which is not represented in the clearinghouse and you would like to add a profile for your organization, please refer to Joining the Expanded Clearinghouse

Show organizations
Organization (Common) Name
Primary DUNS
Primary Contact
FDP Member
Last Published On
Brigham and Women's Hospital 030811269 QN6MS4VN7BD1 Phil Beals No 08-19-2024
Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary 073825945 NA7AKMLK2BM1 Phil Beals No 01-14-2025
Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science 785877408 PFBDNBDS57H3 Perrilla Johnson-Woodard, MBA Yes 01-29-2025
University of Illinois Chicago (UIC) 098987217 W8XEAJDKMXH3 Peggy Diskin Yes 01-16-2025
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital 067717892 JL4JHE9SDRR3 Paul Below Yes 09-05-2024
University of Cincinnati 041064767 DZ4YCZ3QSPR5 Patrick Clark Yes 05-28-2024
Brown University 001785542 E3FDXZ6TBHW3 Patrice A. Carroll Yes 11-19-2024
The University of Texas Health Science Center at Tyler 156001354 FPCUDWBE7DX2 Panda Powell No 12-06-2024
Worcester Polytechnic Institute 041508581 HJNQME41NBU4 Orla Baxter No 01-31-2025
University of California, Berkeley 124726725 GS3YEVSS12N6 Noam Pines Yes 02-07-2025
RF SUNY - University at Albany 152652822 NHH3T1Z96H29 Nicole Marshall Yes 12-23-2024
University of New England 071735252 HVE6K4YS3B51 Nicholas Gere No 01-16-2025
RUTGERS, THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW JERSEY – New Brunswick 001912864 M1LVPE5GLSD9 Nazam Mohammed Yes 12-05-2024
RUTGERS, THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW JERSEY – Camden 625216556 MPJFHQ7SMNH1 Nazam Mohammed No 12-06-2024
RUTGERS, THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW JERSEY – Newark 130029205 T3NGNR66YK89 Nazam Mohammed No 12-06-2024

Showing 91 to 105 of 372