Participating Organizations

This list of Participating Organizations contains participants in the FDP Expanded Clearinghouse initiative. All FDP member organizations are included.

Please click on a Participating Organization's name to view their Profile. Once a Profile is opened you can tab through 6 sections of information on the Profile. You may also print an organization's Profile once you have selected the Profile by clicking the Print button in the top right corner of the Profile.

If you represent a non-member organization which is not represented in the clearinghouse and you would like to add a profile for your organization, please refer to Joining the Expanded Clearinghouse

Show organizations
Organization (Common) Name
Primary DUNS
Primary Contact
FDP Member
Last Published On
Cal State L.A. 066697590 C1ABLRAQTB48 Jeffrey Underwood Yes 03-19-2021
Oakland University 041808262 HJTLACN81NK1 Andrea Buford No 09-29-2021
University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science (UMCES) 021463831 JHTYTGKYWLL9 Ginger Steelman Yes 10-06-2022
Indiana University of Pennsylvania Research Institute 136665614 UGHXHKJB8LL6 Tracy Eisenhower No 01-09-2023
University of Montana 010379790 DAY7Z8ZD48Q3 Joni Waldrup No 11-29-2023
Penn State University College of Medicine 129348186 TNKGNDAWB445 Cynthia Brubaker Yes 01-29-2024
Loyola University of Chicago. LSC 074368911 CVNBL4GDUKF3 Angelica Vaca No 02-23-2024
Swarthmore College 073755381 KPALJZQMJAX6 Michelle Crouch No 03-06-2024
HMH Hospitals Corporation 042797571 LV8GL8MLU9A3 David Candelmo No 03-06-2024
Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station (TEES) 847205572 QD1MX6N5YTN4 Vicki Marvin Yes 03-13-2024
Harvard Medical School 047006379 JDLVAVGYJQ21 Kevin Ritchie Yes 03-21-2024
Lehigh University 808264444 E13MDBKHLDB5 Cynthia Kane Yes 03-26-2024
Columbus State University 067561092 K2D8HHGH6F84 Jeanette Moss-Smith No 03-29-2024
Arkansas Children's Research Institute (ACRI) 002593692 K4FYB2EJVL32 Anne McMains No 04-10-2024
The Feinstein 110565913 C5LHMPRJ9J19 Diane Marbury Yes 04-13-2024

Showing 1 to 15 of 373