This list of Participating Organizations contains participants in the FDP Expanded Clearinghouse initiative. All FDP member organizations are included.
Please click on a Participating Organization's name to view their Profile. Once a Profile is opened you can tab through 6 sections of information on the Profile. You may also print an organization's Profile once you have selected the Profile by clicking the Print button in the top right corner of the Profile.
If you represent a non-member organization which is not represented in the clearinghouse and you would like to add a profile for your organization, please refer to Joining the Expanded Clearinghouse
Tennessee Technological University | 878648153 | KZNHNMDUTJA5 | Mark Lynam | Yes | 09-12-2024 |
Dartmouth College | 041027822 | EB8ASJBCFER9 | Aarron Clough | Yes | 01-09-2025 |
University of Oregon | 079289626 | Z3FGN9MF92U2 | Elise Landry | Yes | 01-09-2025 |
University Of Chicago | 005421136 | ZUE9HKT2CLC9 | Aaron House | Yes | 09-15-2024 |
New York University | 041968306 | NX9PXMKW5KW8 | Jason St Germain | Yes | 01-10-2025 |
University of Illinois | 041544081 | Y8CWNJRCNN91 | Robin Beach | Yes | 01-10-2025 |
University of Central Florida | 150805653 | RD7MXJV7DKT9 | Douglas B. Backman | Yes | 09-16-2024 |
University of Pennsylvania | 042250712 | GM1XX56LEP58 | Kim Garrison | Yes | 01-13-2025 |
University of Texas San Antonio | 800189185 | U44ZMVYU52U6 | Lori Schultz | Yes | 01-13-2025 |
Northeastern University | 001423631 | HLTMVS2JZBS6 | Amanda Humphrey | Yes | 01-13-2025 |
Mayo Clinic | 006471700 | Y2K4F9RPRRG7 | Janice Grace | Yes | 09-16-2024 |
Tufts University, Health Sciences Campus (Boston) | 039318308 | C1F5LNUF7W86 | Shauna Gaffny | Yes | 01-14-2025 |
University of Wyoming | 069690956 | FDR5YF2K32X5 | Kristi Stockdale | Yes | 09-19-2024 |
RF SUNY - Binghamton University | 090189965 | NQMVAAQUFU53 | Lisa Gilroy | Yes | 01-15-2025 |
University of Nevada, Reno | 146515460 | WLDGTNCFFJZ3 | Katie Tracy | Yes | 01-15-2025 |