Welcome to the FDP Expanded Clearinghouse online system. This publicly available website provides online organizational profiles containing entity-based information needed by pass-through entities when they are issuing subawards or monitoring their subrecipient entities. It is the result of the FDP Pilot Project that effectively demonstrated a significant reduction of administrative burden.
Participating Organizations (listed under “Participating Organizations” ) have agreed to review each other's published profiles in lieu of sending/receiving individual subrecipient commitment forms containing the information posted on their profile. Minor exchanges of data that are transaction/subaward specific (e.g., such as an IRB approval, Statement of Work, or budget) may occur between the pass-through entity and the subrecipient, provided that such exchanges do not require completion of data already appearing on the entity's published profile. Participating Organizations have also agreed to make their profile information fully available to the public and ensure the information is up-to-date.
Data included for each published organizational profile has been certified as correct by an applicable institutional official, reviewed for accuracy by the FDP Expanded Clearinghouse Subcommittee, and includes the following:
All published profiles can be accessed by clicking on “Participating Organizations” at the top and are publicly available without logging into the system. The FDP Clearinghouse Subcommittee monitors the profiles regularly to ensure the data is current, to the best of our abilities. Keeping the profile information accurate and current is the responsibility of the Expanded Clearinghouse Participating Organization.
All FDP members have profiles included in this system. In addition, the FDP invites a limited number of non-FDP members to participate in the Expanded Clearinghouse once per year in June/July. Annual subscription fees for Expanded Clearinghouse participation by non-FDP members are $1500 per year for 2024-2026.
Participation is currently available to US organizations that have an active SAM.gov registration, are willing to publicly share their F&A rate agreement, and agree to abide by the terms of the Profile Participation Agreement. Organizations that are interested in participating are welcome to complete this survey to add their institution to the waitlist of interested parties.
In 2025, the FDP Expanded Clearinghouse will, for the first time, allow entities that are not subjject to the Single Audit to be participating organizations. Questions about this new option should be directed to ExpClearinghouse@thefdp.org. Please include “NSAP” in the subject line of your email.
Please remember that Clearinghouse participation or FDP membership is not required in order to view and use all of the posted profiles now in the Clearinghouse. You are welcome and encouraged to view the posted profiles of the 300+ current participants and use that information for your subrecipient risk assessments and monitoring purposes. You do not need a login to do this; please click on the “Find an Organization” button at the top to find a profile.