Getting Help


Click here to access the Instruction Manual for Users. Please note this manual is intended for organizations preparing to join the Expanded Clearinghouse and covers profile creation, completion and publishing. General public use (without a login) is covered in sections 9 of the manual.

Click here to access the Organizational Data Entry Worksheet, an optional tool available to aid institutions who wish to collect their information prior to entering data into the Expanded Clearinghouse.

Throughout the site, you may click on the question mark icons to go directly to a specific section of the instructions.

Contact Us

Questions, problems, or suggestions? (login required)
Send us a message

Sample PushBack Language

Sample "Push Back Language" - for use when subrecipient entity information in the Expanded Clearinghouse (beyond basic identifiers) is requested on a form.

Joining the Expanded Clearinghouse

The FDP is inviting a limited number of non-FDP members to participate in the Expanded Clearinghouse two times a year. Annual subscription fees for Expanded Clearinghouse participation by non-FDP members are $1500 per year for 2021-2023 and are pro-rated if joined mid-year.

Organizations subject to the Single Audit that are interested in joining the Expanded Clearinghouse can learn more about the requirements by reviewing the Profile Participation Agreement and by adding themselves to the waitlist for consideration of future enrollment here.

More Information

More information about the FDP Expanded Clearinghouse Subcommittee and activities can be found on the FDP Website.

Profile Participation Agreement

Click Here to review the Profile Participation Agreement.

Instructional Video

Profile Management in the FDP Expanded Clearinghouse
This video will aid new Expanded Clearinghouse institutions in creating and editing institutional profiles. Originally offered as a Zoom session on June 13, 2019, it should prove helpful to those interested in learning how to create users, complete an institutional profile, certify and submit new and edited profiles, and seek help when necessary. Those interested in joining the Expanded Clearinghouse should contact